A Very Successful CSPS Meeting
Former residents Drs. Tanya DeLyzer and Kristina Lutz received certificates welcoming them to membership in the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Great papers were presented by Stephanie Kim (medical student presenting work done with Drs. Yazdani, DeLyzer and Turley); Dr. Kathleen Nelligan (presenting work done with Drs. Doherty, Ross and Sarma); Dr. Troy Ng (presenting work done with Drs. Doherty, Evans, Grant and Brackstone); and Dr. Logan McGinn (presenting work done with Drs. Ross and Grewal). This year there were a record number of resident abstracts submitted, making it a real accomplishment for the number of Western residents who were given the opportunity to present.
Congratulations to Dr. Kitty Wu who received the prize for Best Clinical Paper (for her work with Drs. Yazdani, DeLyzer and Turley) at Residents’ Corner, which is an extremely competitive prize.
Dr. Caitlin Symonette won the Ross Tilley Scholarship. This prize is given to the outstanding graduating resident from among all Canadian training programs who is pursuing fellowship training in Plastic Surgery. Congratulations, Caitlin!
Finally, Dr. Bing Siang Gan became Vice-president of the Canadian Society of Plastic Surgeons and will be in charge of organizing the scientific program for next year’s meeting. Dr. Gan will become President of the Society at next year’s meeting in St. John’s.