Zhu-Xu Zhang

Professor, Scientist
Office: LHSC-UH B4-231
Matthew Mailing Centre for Translational Transplant Studies
Phone: (519) 685-8500 Ext. 32945
E-mail: zzhang57@uwo.ca
Research Activities
Keywords: necroptosis, apoptosis, NK cell, heart transplantation, kidney injury
Description of Research Activities: We were the first to describe necroptosis in organ ischemia injury and transplantation. Recently we have demonstrated that mitochondria critically participate in necroptosis as well as apoptosis. Currently we are studying the molecular path of necroptosis and try to identify new mechanisms for cell death. There are two major projects in my research laboratory: i) understanding the mechanism of necroptosis-mediated kidney and heart injury and transplant rejection and its effects on permitting tolerance induction; and, ii) studying the role of NK cells in immune tolerance.