Lloy Wylie
Associate Professor
Field of Study: Health Systems Research
Office: 4101 Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine
Phone: (519) 661-2111 Ext. 86309
E-mail: lwylie2@uwo.ca
Lloy Wylie is an Assistant Professor in the Schulich Interfaculty Program in Public Health, appointed to Psychiatry, Pathology with a cross appointment to Anthropology at Western University. She was recently named a Phoenix Fellow with the Associated Medical Services. She also holds an adjunct position with the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University. She has an Interdisciplinary PhD from the University of British Columbia (Political Science, School of Population and Public Health, and Nursing).
Dr. Wylie’s main areas of research are in health systems and health services, with a focus on equity and improvement of health services and access through community based participatory research. Her current research focuses on Aboriginal, immigrant and refugee health drawing on cultural safety as a framework for health systems improvements. She has an emphasis on culturally appropriate care through health professional education to improve continuity of care for underserviced populations. In addition, she examines health systems governance and policy, as well as processes of community engagement in health care. Her current projects focus on prevention and service improvements in mental health and wellness and diabetes. Her past research areas include political economy of Latin America and Europe, examining social determinants of health and economic reform.
Her teaching and supervision are in health systems and health services research, health care management, community based needs assessment, program evaluation, Aboriginal health, health equity, social determinants of health, indigenous methodologies, community based research methods, and knowledge translation and exchange between research, policy and practice.
Areas of Specialization in Health
- Diversity and Equity in Health
- Aboriginal Health
- Immigrant and Refugee Health
- Health Services and Systems Research
- Health Management, Governance and Policy
- Program Evaluation
- Continuity of Care – patient journeys
Courses taught
- Managing Health Services
- Community Health Assessments and Program Evaluation
Current Research Grants
RBC Centre for At Risk Children and Families. Javeed Sukhera, Lloy Wylie, Nancy Waldrop, Rita van Meyel. 2014-2024. ($1,200,000).
THE AMS PHOENIX PROJECT: Call to Caring Project Grants. FELLOWSHIP AWARD “Engaging for Change: Coordinated Strategies for Improving Health Services for Aboriginal Peoples” September 2014 – August 2015 ($25,000).
Western Seed Grant: Culturally Based Programming to Promote the Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Mental Health of Indigenous Youth. 2014 ($24,747)
CIHR – Policy Workshop Grant: First Nations Health Governance in BC
Principal Investigator: John O’Neil, Joe Gallagher, Co-Investigators: Lloy Wylie, Josée Lavoie. 2013 - 2015 ($150,000)
CIHR Planning Grant: Aboriginal Cancer Care. Principal Investigator: First Nations Health Authority, Co-Investigators: Lloy Wylie, Nadine Caron. 2014 – 2016 ($25,000)
Recent Publications
- “Access and the City: Strategies for Equitable Health Care in Canadian Urban Centres” Lloy Wylie, Saime Ozcurumez. Submitted for review.
- “Adopting a Public Health Approach to Suicide Prevention in Canada: Why Can’t We Get There?” John Cutcliffe, Lloy Wylie and Paul Links. Submitted for review.
- “Barriers in Access to Care” Lloy Wylie, Saime Ozcurumez, Christiane Falge, Giulia Bigot, Rika Dauth, in: “Giving New Subjects a Voice. Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in the Health Care System” edited by O. Schmidtke et al. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2012.
- “Strategies for Change among Institutional and Civil Society Actors” Lloy Wylie, Saime Ozcurumez, Christiane Falge, Giulia Bigot, Rika Dauth, in: “Giving New Subjects a Voice. Political and Institutional Responses to Cultural Diversity in the Health Care System” edited by O. Schmidtke et al. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2012.
Network and Memberships
- Canadian Consortium for Health Equity
- Research Committee of Comparative Health Politics & Policy of the International Political Science Association
- Canadian Public Health Association
- International Network in Indigenous Health Knowledge and Development