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2017 - 2022 Department of Oncology Strategic Plan

Survey results are in

We appreicate your valuable feedback.

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We are ready to begin the next engagement phase of our strategic planning process to develop the Department of Oncology Strategic Plan.
We will be facilitating focus groups with staff, faculty, trainees, and leaders to obtain your ideas, feedback and suggestions for what we need to focus on in the next five years. The focus groups will zero in on six strategic questions.
Focus Groups are Comming Soon in April and May. We appreciate your input and involvement.

  1. What are the Department of Oncology’s greatest assets and opportunities for improvement?
  2. What is your vision for the future of the Department of Oncology?  A vision is intended to clarify the pathway forward; the destination we are striving to arrive at.  It answers why we do the work we do. When effective, a great vision statement will light the way allowing the team to move fast and with great precision and passion.
  3. Going forward, what outcomes (in research, education, and clinical care) will we need to achieve for the diverse stakeholders we serve, in order to achieve our vision?
  4. To produce these outcomes, what strategic processes and practices do we need to excel at in the areas of research, education and clinical care?
  5. Given that we need to excel at these processes and practices, what type of culture, people (skills, capacity, etc.), technology, tools and infrastructure will be required?
  6. In order to sustain this capacity, what key investments will we need to make and how will we best allocate our resources to the highest priorities?

We encourage everyone to participate in this valuable process. We want and need your ideas and input and we are confident that your involvement will significantly enrich our department’s Strategic Plan, our roadmap for the next five years.