Collaborative Program
The Collaborative Graduate Program in Molecular Imaging at The University of Western Ontario brings together graduate students and faculty from disciplines around campus. The collaborative experience for students is an add-on to existing well-established graduate programs in Biochemistry, Chemistry, Medical Biophysics, Anatomy & Cell Biology, and Pathology.
Students register in and meet the requirements of one of the participating discipline-specific graduate programs, as well as having the opportunity to participate in the collaborative program in Molecular Imaging. The combination of solid disciplinary training with advanced interdisciplinary training provides students with the tools necessary to better understand and conduct research in the area of Molecular Imaging.
The result of the collaboration is a degree in your participating program (Molecular Imaging) example: Master of Science in Chemistry (Molecular Imaging).
Collaborative Program Requirements
Requirements for the Collaborative Graduate Program in Molecular Imaging will be the same for both MSc and PhD students. In addition to the thesis, comprehensive exams and additional courses that may be required by the graduate program of the home department, all MSc and PhD students will be required to participate in the following course and activities:
A) MBP 9518A: Molecular Imaging, a one-term course to be taken in the first year of the program. There are three components to this course:
- Lectures on molecular and cell biology (11), development of chemical probes (4) and micro-imaging modalities to meet the challenges of small animal imaging (5). Total: 20 lectures@1.5h each.
- Active participation in the discussion of relevant published articles
- Presentation (20 min) of a recent article that addresses all three facets of molecular imaging, and submission of a 5-page mini-review on the article and related literature
B) Presentation of research, either orally or as a poster, at the annual London Imaging Discovery Symposium.
C) Participation in the monthly journal club meetings of the Program.
D) Attendance at and participation in the Molecular Imaging Seminar Series.
Visit Biomedical Imaging Research Centre website for more information.