Forms and required training

All new graduate students are required to complete the training modules listed below.

TCPS 2: CORE-2022

All incoming graduate students are required to complete the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2) course on Research Ethics training. The TCPS 2: CORE-2022 is a program milestone that must be completed by the end of the Fall 2024 term. This training is also required by the Health Sciences Research Ethics Board (HSREB) before you can be added to the project team as a research assistant or thesis student.

We invite you to get started on this training over the summer, if you are able to do so. This will help to reduce your workload for the Fall term, when you will have additional training modules to complete at Western, alongside orientation sessions and the start of classes. If you have already completed the TCPS 2: Course on Research Ethics (CORE), you can provide us with your Certificate of Completion to waive any requirement to re-take the course.

About the Course:

The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS 2) is a Canadian guideline for the ethical conduct of research involving humans and/or human biological materials.

The TCPS 2: CORE-2022 (Course on Research Ethics) is a free, self-paced course that provides an introduction to the TCPS 2 guidance on ethical research through an applied approach. This training is a common requirement for researchers and REB members and many of you will require this training for your thesis project or for future employment. This course takes approximately 4 hours to complete, but is self-paced with an option to save/resume your progress at any time.

Registration & Access Instructions:

Visit the TCPS 2: CORE-2022 website:

  1. Create an account by clicking the purple button on the right of the web page.
    Please register using your UWO email address (i.e., …
    Select “Western University” as your Institution.
  2. Follow the instructions to activate your account and access the course.
  3. Complete the nine course modules (A1-A9).
  4. Save/Print your Certificate of Completion. See the below instructions to submit this Certificate.


Submitting Your Certificate:

Use the link below to submit your TCPS 2: CORE-2022 training certificate, once you've completed the required modules.

This certificate will be added to your Department student file, but we also recommend students keep a copy on their own files for future reference.

HR Modules

Western Human Resources Training Modules

All graduate students are required to complete the following online training modules:

  • Worker Health and Safety Awareness Training
  • WHMIS (Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System) 2016
  • Western Safe Campus Community
  • Building Inclusivity through Anti-Racism
  • Supporting Disclosures of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
  • AODA - Accessibility in Service
  • Cyber Safety Awareness

Access the Training Modules

  • On the Required Training web page, click on the course title to expand the section.
  • Look for the title Course Link and follow instructions.
  • In OWL, login using the same User ID and password that you use to login to My Human Resources.
  • Click on “Yes, please add me” to join the course worksite.
  • Go to the Instructions or Start page to begin

Need Help?

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document is available for download at the “Required Training” web link above.

Biomedical Milestones

All Schulich graduate students are required to complete each module of this milestone. Administered by Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs at Schulich Medicine & Dentistry, this milestone requires the completion of 3 training modules in Research Ethics (human and animal) and EDI.

New graduate students will complete these modules in their first Fall term in the graduate program. More information regarding the modules for this milestone will be provided via email.

Student Bio Sheet

The EpiBio program compiles Student Bio Sheets of our incoming graduate students, to be shared internally with our Department faculty and staff. These will serve as a resource for the Department to learn more about each of you before you arrive to campus in September. Please fill in the following online form, on which some response fields are required, and others are optional for you to complete. Due by Friday, July 26. (Note: you will be required to log onto your UWO email account to access the survey)

Peer Mentorship Survey

The EpiBio mentorship program, led by the EpiBio Student Council (WEBSC) aims to connect incoming first-year EpiBio graduate students (mentees) with upper-year EpiBio graduate students (mentors). This program is designed to help incoming MSc & PhD students navigate the EpiBio program and ensure a smooth transition into their new EpiBio community. Student Mentors will be guides for the upcoming school year, available to answer questions regarding the program, courses, campus life, community and more!

If you would like WEBSC to connect you with an upper year peer mentor, please fill in the following survey by by Friday, July 26. Your responses will help WEBSC to learn more about incoming graduate students, so they can make informed mentee-mentor pairings. WEBSC will aim for peer mentor matches to be made before the start of the school year.

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