Guangyong Zou, PhD
P: 519.661.2111 Ext: 86298
F: 519.661.3766
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Director of Biostatistics, Alimentiv Inc.
Research Cluster Membership
- Aging & Life-Course Epidemiology
- Biostatistics
- Chronic Disease & Multimorbidity
- Mental Health
- Biostatistical & Computational Methods
- Epidemiological Observational Studies
- Randomized Controlled Trials
Research Interests
As a biostatistician, I focus on developing and evaluating statistical methods that are useful for medical research. My recent interest is to develop statistical methods for design and analysis of studies with outcome data that lack meaningful units, such as patient reported outcomes or disease rating scales.
- BSc Agronomy, Southwestern College of Agriculture, Chongqing, China
- MSc Soil Science, McGill University, Canada
- MSc Statistics, University of Connecticut, USA
- PhD Plant Science, University of Connecticut, USA
- PhD Biostatistics, University of Western Ontario, Canada
Recent Research Grants
- Statistical methodology for correlated data in health sciences (NSERC)
- Treat-to-Target of Endoscopic Remission in Patients with IBD in Symptomatic Remission: Pragmatic randomized controlled trial (Patient-Reported Outcomes Research Institute, USA)
Publications (selected)
- Zou GY (2004). A modified Poisson regression approach to prospective studies with binary data. American Journal of Epidemiology 159: 702-706. The most cited article in AJE’s 100 history
- Zou GY, Donner A, Klar N (2005). Group sequential methods for cluster randomization trials with binary outcomes. Clinical Trials 2: 479-487.
- Zou GY (2007). Toward using confidence intervals to compare correlations. Psychological Methods 12: 399-413
- Zou GY, Donner A (2008). Construction of Confidence limits about effect measures: A general approach. Statistics in Medicine 27: 1693-1702.
- Zou GY, (2012) Sample size formulas for estimating intraclass correlation coefficients with precision and assurance. Statistics in Medicine 31: 3972-3981
- Zou GY, Donner A (2013) Extension of the modified Poisson regression model to prospective studies with correlated binary data. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 22:630-642.
- Zou, G. (2021) Confidence interval estimation for treatment effects in cluster randomization trials based on ranks. Statistics in Medicine, 40(14), pp.3227-3250.
- Zou G, Smith E, Jairath V (2022). A nonparametric approach to confidence intervals for concordance index and difference between correlated indices. Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics. 32(5): 740-767.
- Zou G, Zou L, Choi YH (2022) Distribution-free approach to the design and analysis of randomized stroke trials with the modified Rankin scale. Stroke 53(10):3025-3031.
- Articles in Google Scholar