Seminar Series: Dr. Pavlos Bobos

When Policy Makers Resist Evidence: Lessons from the Canadian PT Licensure Process

Pavlos Bobos

Assistant Professor 
School of Physical Therapy
Faculty of Health Science
Western University

Cross Appointed Assistant Professor
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Western University

Short Biography:
Dr. Pavlos Bobos is a clinical epidemiologist and trained physical therapist. Currently an Assistant Professor (tenured track) specializing in musculoskeletal health and post-viral syndromes, his research encompasses the development and evaluation of mobility and activity interventions, clinical measurement methods, and innovations through evidence synthesis. Dr. Bobos’s work focuses on enhancing physical and mental health outcomes for people with chronic pain and has significantly contributed to guiding policy responses during the COVID-19 pandemic as part of Ontario’s COVID-19 Science Advisory Table.

This presentation will explore the evolution of the licensure process for physical therapists in Canada during the pandemic. It will detail an evidence synthesis project that evaluated the measurement properties of the practical OSCE exams used for licensure. The investigation involved systematic reviews and advanced psychometric analyses to assess the validity, reliability, and overall effectiveness of these examinations in determining clinical competence. The study further examines the challenges encountered during the process, including critical feedback from regulatory bodies and the Colleges of PT. The presentation will share insights into how well-intentioned, evidence-based proposals encountered resistance from regulatory bodies and the Colleges of PT, and what this experience teaches us about the interface between evidence and policy change.

Area of Research:
Licensure, Physical Therapy, OSCE, Evidence Synthesis, Health Policy, Pandemic Response

Learn more about Dr. Bobos:

Date: Friday, March 21
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: PHFM 3015 (Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine) or Zoom (request link by email