Seminar Series: Joel J. Gagnier, ND, MSc, PhD

Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Clinical research and Health Care

Joel J. Gagnier, ND, MSc, PhD

Associate Professor
Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Department of Surgery
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry
Western University

Short Biography:
Dr. Gagnier is a Clinical Epidemiologist with over 20 years’ experience teaching clinical epidemiologic methods and conducting clinical and methodologic research. His research interests include: clinical research & systematic review methods and reporting, health measurement, patient safety, heterogeneity of treatment effect, perioperative pain control and musculoskeletal conditions. He is a member of many international clinical research methods groups and boards, an editor and board member of many peer-reviewed journals, he has published over 170 peer-reviewed papers, several book chapters and given over 300 lectures and workshops at local, national and international scientific meetings.

Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) are key tools when performing clinical research and PROM data are increasingly used to inform clinical decision-making, patient-centered care, health policy and more recently, reimbursement decisions. PROMs must possess particular properties before they are used. The purpose of this seminar is to give an overview of PROMs, their definition, how their evidence can be assessed, how they should be reported in clinical research, how to choose PROMs, where these measures can be found, the use of PROMs in clinical practice and what are some key next steps in this field.

patient reported outcomes, health outcome measurement, outcome measure bias, psychometrics, clinical research, clinical practice, research reporting, research methods

Date: Friday, January 27th
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: PHFM 3015 (Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine)