Seminar Series: Maisha Syeda

Date: Friday, February 14
Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
Location: MSB 384 (Medical Sciences Building)

Teaching Healthy Relationship Skills to Youth: Why it should be a Public Health Initiative

Maisha Syeda, PhDMaisha-Syeda_272w.jpg

Postdoctoral Associate
Vulnerable Youth, Teach Resiliency & STRONG
Centre for School Mental Health
Western University

Short bio:
Dr. Maisha Syeda is a Postdoctoral Associate in the Centre for School Mental Health at Western University. Dr. Syeda pursued her Ph.D. in the School and Applied Child Psychology program at the University of Calgary. Her areas of research focus on school- and community-based intervention adaptation and evaluation to enhance mental well-being and promote resilience among newcomer youth and families. Clinically, Dr. Syeda draws from trauma-informed mindfulness-based cognitive and acceptance-compassionate focused approaches to support children and adolescents struggling with anxiety, mood, and related psychosocial challenges.


Coffee and tea will be provided, beginning at 1:00 p.m.

To reduce waste, guests are encouraged to bring a reusable mug or cup to the seminar. All are welcome. View the complete Seminar Series Listing.