Sandy Steinwender

• Experienced clinician with over 10 years in a variety of clinical practice areas for a range of ages and diagnoses, including: NICU and Neonatal Follow up Clinic, Neurology, Neurosurgery, General Pediatrics, Feeding and Swallowing, Cardiology etc.
• Special interest in global health, health equity and equality; integrated knowledge translation and mobilization; quality of life and mother/infant attachment
• Specialized skills related to knowledge translation, clinical practice guidelines,, conducting realist synthesis and scoping reviews, capacity building, program development and evaluation.• Health services research, quality assurance; program development, process and outcomes evaluation.
• Collaborative and inclusive leadership, innovative, creative and visionary; Leadership skills training (Health Leaders Institute, Ivey Leadership courses, SK Emerging Leader)
• Strong networking, communication and interpersonal skills.
• Ability to work efficiently and effectively; conceptualize, analyze, problem solve.
• Cross cultural sensitivity and experience working in remote isolated communities with unique populations (Inuit and First Nations), international (Qatar) and developing countries (Trinidad).
• Experience working in a variety clinical and educational settings: acute care, rehab and community for clients with various developmental, physical and communicative disorders.
• Mentor, lecturer and fieldwork supervision for occupational therapy MSc OT UofT students
• Vice Chair of Education, MScOT, UofT International Centre for Disability and Rehabilitation, Trinidad
• Enabling participation towards improved health, well being and improved quality of life.
• Lifelong learner with MSc Health Research Methods; PhD Candidate Health Information Science