Charles McKenzie, PhD

Charlie McKenzie


o. NatSci 9A
t. 519.661.2111 x85686

Biography: Research in the McKenzie Lab focuses on the development of new MRI image acquisition and reconstruction techniques, with a particular focus on MRI during pregnancy. We are developing new methods for direct imaging of fetal and placental metabolism, in addition to techniques for detecting the consequences of metabolic dysfunction during pregnancy. Trainee's in the lab come from a wide variety of basic and applied science disciplines, including biophysics, physics, computer science, biochemistry, physiology and biomedical engineering. Work in the lab occurs in both research and clinical settings around London, including the main Western campus, the Robarts Research Institute, the Children's Health Research Institute and London Health Sciences Centre.

Research Areas: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of pregnancy: development of coil arrays, pulse sequences and image reconstructions; correction of motion; Metabolic MRI of the fetus and placenta.