Dr. Lois Champion



Dr. Lois Champion is currently Professor at the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Western University. She is also consultant at the Intensive Care Unit in the University Hospital, London Health Sciences Centre.

Dr. Champion has been active in the Anesthesia and Critical Care Teaching Through Simulation (ACCTTS) group since its inception due to having special interest in undergraduate education through simulation.

Honours and Awards

Silcox-Fellows Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Mentoring (2013)

"The 10 year award, known as the Silcox-Fellows Award, is given to physician mentors who have devoted 10 years of their time as part of the Schulich Medicine Mentorship Program.

This is a voluntary program where interested students have a mentor to guide them as they progress in their development as medical professionals. Mentors provide general career advice, encouragement and help students to understand the role they are taking on and how that role may impact their lives."


Fuller J, Granton J, McConachie I, editors. Handbook of ICU Therapy, 3rd Ed. United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press; c2015.

  • Champion L. Oxygen delivery, cardiac function and monitoring [Chapter 1]. p. 1-12.
  • Champion L, Schulz V. Palliative care, withholding and withdrawal of life support in the intensive care unit [Chapter 22]. p. 252-260.