Welcome Jiyon Ryu, Anesthesia Library Assistant
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Please join me in welcoming Jiyon Ryu to the Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine.
Jiyon will be working limited hours at the UH, VIC and SJHC anesthesia libraries, as she is currently a full-time student. Jiyon is a MLIS candidate in Western's Library and Information Sciences Program. She is interested in health sciences librarianship, with a focus on nutrition. In addition to health sciences, Jiyon is also very interested in international libraries, and is currently involved with Librarians Without Borders through the MLIS program.
She can assist you with e-book resources, Western and LHSC library catalogues, journals, and article retrieval. If you see Jiyon in the library, please say hello and introduce yourself!
Best Regards,
Brie McConnell, MLISLibrary and Information Manager
UH C3-172
ext. 35134