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2013 Fellows Research Day a huge success

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thank you to all of the faculty that took time out of their Saturday to attend our Fellows Research Day this past weekend.  The event was definitely a success and we hope to continue to improve the event year after year.

The fellows worked very hard on their presentations and we would like to thank all of them for taking the time and effort to create these presentations and for working so hard on their research projects.

We would like to congratulate our winners of the day!

  • Dr. Cristiana Miron who won 1st place for her presentation on: Maternal anesthesia for EXIT procedure: A systematic review of the literature.

  • Dr. Aphichat "Ki" Suphathamwit won 2nd place for his presentation: Study of Peripheral Microcirculatory Dysfunction in end-stage liver disease patients during liver transplantation using near infrared spectroscopy.

I would also like to thank our judges: Dr. John Murkin, Dr. Tim Turkstra, Dr. Ronit Lavi and Dr. Kevin Armstrong.

Last but not least, a big thank you to Dr. Indu Singh for officiating the day as Dr. Arango was not able to attend.

Best Regards, 

Jamie Allaer
Fellowship Program Administrator

 Event Photos


Dr. John Murkin congratulates Dr. Cristiana Miron, 1st Place Winner for Research Project: Maternal anesthesia for EXIT procedure: A systematic review of the literature.


Dr. John Murkin congratulates Dr. Aphichat "Ki" Suphathamwit, who won 2nd place for his presentation: Study of Peripheral Microcirculatory Dysfunction in end-stage liver disease patients during liver transplantation using near infrared spectroscopy.


Fellows (from L to R): Cristiana Miron, David Dubois, Aphichat Suphathamwit, Vishal Uppal, Ashish Malik, Akilan Velayudhan, Tom Varughese, Ranjita Sharma, and Mohamed Ismail.