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OB Fellows' research posters receive critical acclaim at SOAP

Friday, May 10, 2013


The SOAP meeting is an internationally recognized meeting for obstetric anesthesia research. At the recent 45th Annual Meeting for the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia & Perinatology (SOAP), Dr. Kamal Kumar and Dr. Cristiana Miron, both Obsetric Anesthesia Fellows in the Department, had their research posters selected, above many others, as high-level posters for formal discussion during the poster presentation session.  

Congratulations to Dr. Kumar, and to Dr. Miron!

  • Dr. Kamal Kumar's poster was titled Pre-Procedural Ultrasound Does Not Decrease the Number of Attempts in Trainees Performing Spinal Anesthesia for Obstetric Patients: A RCT. Co-authors included Drs. Turkstra, Singh, Marmai, & K Armstrong

Supervisor: Dr. Tim Turkstra

  • Dr. Cristiana Miron's poster was Maternal anesthesia for EXIT procedure: a systematic review of the literature. Co-authors of this study included Drs. Singh, Kumar, & Agarwal.

Supervisor: Dr. Indu Singh