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Schulich school of Medicine and Dentistry logo Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

IARS 2013 Annual Meeting: Advancing Our Specialty Through Evidence-Informed Medicine

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Click here to register, and for more information.

Key learning events with our faculty 

Symposium: Evidence-based Decision Making and Knowledge Translation in Health Technology Assessment (May 4th)

Symposium Moderator:

Davy C.H. Cheng, MD, MSc, FRCPC, FCAHS
Distinguished University Professor & Chair/Chief
Department of Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine
London Health Sciences Centre and
St. Joseph Health Care, Western University
Medical Director, MEDICI Centre
London, Ontario, Canada

​Symposium Presenters:

P.J. Devereaux, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Associate Professor
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and
McMaster University
Principal Investigator of the POISE I,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Janet Martin, PharmD, MSc (HTA)
Director, Centre for Medical Evidence, Decision
Integrity & Clinical Impact (MEDICI);
Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesia
and Perioperative Medicine and Department of
Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
Western University
London, Ontario, Canada

Learner Objectives

After participating in this symposium, the learner will be able to:

(1) Compare and contrast intuitive decision-making (bias-riddled) versus evidence-based decision making (bias-minimized);

(2) Apply the techniques for finding, filtering, and applying best evidence for individual patient-level decision making and for policy-making;

(3) Determine how to navigate decision making when existing evidence appears to be contradictory, using examples from anesthesia, critical care andsurgery (e.g. volume expanders, antifibrinolytics,  BIS/neuro/oxygen monitors, perioperative medications and minimally-invasive surgery); and

(4) Identify specific areas for anesthesiologists to contribute in knowledge synthesis and translation, to develop improved tools and techniques for evidence-based decision making in anesthesia and perioperative medicine.

Review Course Lectures

Anesthesiology for Electrophysiology


Daniel Bainbridge, MD, FRCPC
Associate Professor & Director of Cardiac Anesthesia,
Department of Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine,
London Health Sciences Centre, Western University,
London, Ontario, Canada

Click here for more information regarding the EPiCOR and MEDICI Program