Dr. Kem Rogers

Professor and Chair, Construction Oversight Committee
Ph.D. University of Toronto
M.Sc. University of Ottawa
B.Sc. University of Ottawa
Phone: 519-661-3995
Email: kem.rogers@schulich.uwo.ca
Research Interests:
Our research focuses on the delivery of Online education; specifically related to the Anatomical Sciences.
Using modern “Virtual Classrooms” (Blackboard Collaborate, Echo360 Active Learning Platform), we have developed fully online versions of Systemic Human Anatomy and Mammalian Histology with interactive laboratories. Using these classrooms, we have studied the effectiveness of online learning from the point of view of student performance (grades), student satisfaction and the experience of the instructors.
Research is also being conducted on the quality of e-learning software design. Experiments are being carried out to determine how the way students learn affects their success with different anatomical e-learning tools currently on the market.
For publications, please visit Dr. Roger's Google Scholar page.