Dr. Michelle Mottola
Professor, Chair Division of Maternal, Fetal & Newborn Health CHRI
(Joint appointment with the Faculty of Health Sciences in Kinesiology)
Ph.D. University of Alberta
M.Sc. University of Alberta
B.Sc. University of Western Onatrio
Office: 2214 3-M Centre
Phone: 519-661-2111 ext. 85480
Email: mmottola@uwo.ca
Visit: Dr. Mottola's Lab
Research Interests:
Dr. Mottola is the Director of R. Samuel McLaughlin Foundation - Exercise and Pregnancy Laboratory at Western - which is one of the only labs in North America that specializes in the area of exercising pregnant and post-partum women. She is an anatomist and exercise physiologist, who, for the past 20 years, has conducted research on the effects of maternal exercise on both the mother and the developing fetus. Dr. Mottola's main research focus:
- Preventing childhood obesity: early intervention through pregnancy and first year postpartum using a family-based Nutrition & Exercise Lifestyle Intervention Program (NELIP).
- Bringing family-based NELIP into the clinical setting for obese pregnant women and their families.
- Nutrition and exercise effects on maternal weight gain and chronic disease risk in both mother and child.
- Exercise prescription:
- Application of the PARmed-X for Pregnancy
http://www.csep.ca/cmfiles/publications/parq/parmed-xpreg.pdf - 2019 Canadian Guideline for Physical Activity throughout Pregnancy
- Application of the PARmed-X for Pregnancy
- Effects of maternal exercise on glucose metabolism in gestational diabetic women and women at risk for gestational diabetes.
- Effects of bed-rest exercise intervention on hospitalized high risk pregnant women.
Awards & Honours:
- Received Fellowship for the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (2020)
- Our Nutrition & Exercise Lifestyle Intervention Program (NELIP) was selected and posted on the Canadian Best Practice Portal (Public Health Agency of Canada).
- Received Recognition of Excellence in Teaching in Faculty of Health Sciences (2011-2012; 2013-14)
- Received the University Student’s Council Honour Roll Award of Excellence for Teaching (2010-11)
- Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching Excellence Awards (2006 - 2007)
- USC Honour Roll Award for Teaching (2003 - 2004)
- Fellowship for the American College of Sports Medicine (June 2004)
- YMCA-YWCA London Women of Distinction Awards Nominee (2003)
- Cormex Research ranked, top 30 Western faculty members quoted in the Canadian media (Summer 2002)
For publications, please visit Dr. Mottola's PubMed page.