Dr. Derek Mitchell

Associate Professor
Departments of Psychiatry and Anatomy & Cell Biology
Ph.D. University College London
Office: 202 Natural Sciences CentrePhone: 519-661-2111 Ext. 84862
Email: dmitch8@uwo.ca
Research Interests:
Dr. Mitchell's research is principally aimed at determining how dissociable neural systems integrate emotion with cognition and behaviour. The work is designed to provide fundamental knowledge about the functional neuroanatomy behind the experience and control of emotions such as fear, anxiety, and anger. The approach is also used to elucidate the pathophysiology of a range of psychiatric disorders from psychopathy, which features impoverished affective responding and poor behavioural controls, to mood and anxiety disorders, which feature a failure to manage or modulate emotional responding. Our techniques include fMRI, MEG, psychophysiological, and neuropsychological methods in healthy individuals, patients with developmental or acute psychiatric disorders, and patients with acquired brain lesions.
For more publications, please visit Dr. Mitchell's Google Scholar page.