Information for Residency Programs - March 23

  • All core rotations will continue as currently scheduled providing the accepting site has capacity for learners, including PPE availability if it is required by a learner.
  • All elective rotations within the Schulich/Western/Windsor and Distributed Education Network will continue as scheduled providing the sites have capacity for learners, including PPE availability if it is required by a learner.
  • Elective rotations outside of Schulich/Western/Windsor and the Distributed Education Network will be postponed until further notice.
  • On Friday, March 20, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada released a statement regarding exams and provisional licensing. Given recent discussion with health ministries, universities, faculty and resident groups, the Royal College will be postponing the delivery of its written exams to September 2020 at the earliest, with a goal to follow with the postponed spring oral/OSCEs in the same fall period (September – November 2020).
  • The Royal College has been in close communication with the Federation of Medical Regulatory Authorities of Canada (FMRAC) and the Collège des médecins du Quebec (CMQ), the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Medical Council of Canada to explore options to secure provisional licensing to ensure residents can continue to practise medicine and care for patients. Most provincial regulatory authorities have confirmed that they have mechanisms to provide licensing. FMRAC and CMQ are committed to continuing to work on this issue with all stakeholders and we at the Royal College will help to facilitate this process.
  • All residents are continuing training in the hospitals.