Road to Recovery Update #3 - May 28 - Access to buildings, traffic flow, cleaning protocols, common areas

Facilities Management and Traffic Flow

In an effort to accommodate the return of our research community equitably, efficiently and safely, Schulich Medicine & Dentistry’s facilities team has prepared the following guidelines to govern the movement through and use of our facilities.

Traffic Flow

As outlined below and highlighted in the attached floor plans of each of the School’s on-campus facilities, four entry points have been designated through which approved faculty, staff and learners can access their respective labs. Card access will be required to enter any facility and will only work on one of the designated entrances. The objective of this one-way approach is to minimize hallway traffic and potential contact points.

All entries to the Medical Sciences Building, Clinical Skills Building, Kresge Building and Molecular Biology Laboratory are permitted through Medical Sciences Building (MSB) Ex 1 (the MSB Lobby off of Elgin Drive). Please refrain from using the Chemistry Building as an entrance other than those requiring barrier-free access. Exits can occur through any other point other than these designated entrance points.

Research teams operating in the Dental Sciences Building and Health Sciences Addition are permitted entry through Dental Sciences Building (DSB) Ex 1 (the DSB Lobby entrance from the Perth Drive roundabout). DSB Ex 4 is reserved exclusively for urgent care dental patients to enter and exit once that program is restarted. No one else is permitted to use this entrance.

Research teams at Robarts Research Institute will be permitted entry through the main entrance (Ex 1) off of the Perth Drive roundabout. Robarts researchers are encouraged to exit through the first floor exit.

The Seibens-Drake Research Institute’s designated entrance is Ex 5. It permits barrier-free access and avoids the pending construction of the BioMedical Research Facility. Clients and staff of the SPARC clinic can continue to use both Ex 2 and Ex 5. Attendees are requested to exit through Ex 3B and Ex 4.

The Western Centre for Public Health and Family Medicine are permitted entrance through WCPHFM Ex 1 (the lobby). Exits can occur through any other point other than this designated entrance.

Many of the School’s corridors are too narrow to accommodate two-way traffic. In such circumstances, attendees are asked to practise safe physical distancing, including passing on the right side of the hall, and/or even ducking into a doorway to permit greater separation. Attendees are encouraged to exercise an extra sense of care and mutual respect. We are exploring the possibility of installing hallway mirrors at busy corners, and will await recommendations from the departments.

Smokers need to be reminded that they must go out to city-owned sidewalks through the nearest exit and then return through one of the approved entrances noted above. Smoking anywhere on the campus will result in the withdrawal of the offending party’s access.


With the exception of regular waste removal, lab cleaning pre- and post-use will be the responsibility of the research team.

Western’s Facilities Management, per their Cleaning Protocol for COVID-19 has neither the resources nor the expertise to provide the care to the School’s entire lab infrastructure. Moreover, researchers know best the state of their respective lab and are most qualified to ensure each team member can work safely and effectively. Cleaning supplies will be ordered through School’s soon-to-be-announced designated purchasing process and researchers are encouraged to have appropriate supplies on-hand at all times.

Common Areas

Common areas will remain closed until the effectiveness of our return to research plan can be assessed. Faculty, staff and learners are encouraged to enter the facility, make their way to their respective lab and engage in their research plan within their approved schedule and minimal contact to others. Western’s Occupational Heath and Safety team have prepared signage recommending the safe use of restrooms, shared spaces and elevators. These signs will be posted throughout our facilities and in designated areas where clustering may occur.

Once again, attendees are encouraged to use a blend of care, common sense and mutual respect throughout their time in one of our facilities. The health and safety of you, your colleagues and your respective families may depend upon it.

Please feel free to contact the Dean’s Office for further information. An FAQ is being complied and all questions will be addressed prior to our target return.