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Medical Assistance in Dying: Lecture and Expert Panel Discussion

Medical Assistance in Dying

Friday, September 30, 2016 | 2:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Wolf Performance Hall, 251 Dundas St.
This event has sold out.

With the controversial assisted-dying Bill C-14 now law, this timely discussion will bring together a cross section of experts from various fields. This two-part event will begin with a lecture from Dr. Jeff Blackmer, MD'95, Vice President, Medical Professionalism, Canadian Medical Association, who is leading the way through the heavily-debated legislation. Following the lecture a panel discussion and audience question and answer period will be moderated by Carly Weeks, MA ’04, Journalist, The Globe and Mail.

Expert panellists include: Dr. Valerie Schulz, Professor and Director, Palliative Medicine, Anesthesia & Perioperative Medicine; Reverend Michael Bechard, Director, Campus Ministry, King’s University College; Robert Solomon, LLB, LLM, Distinguished University Professor, Faculty of Law, Western University; and Ingrid Mattson, PhD, London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology, Huron University College.

This is a joint event between Western Law and the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, open to all community members, alumni, faculty, staff, and students.

Please direct any event questions to comms@schulich.uwo.ca.

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