Dr. Brian Dempsey

picture of Dr. Brian DempseyAssistant Professor
B.Sc. McMaster University
Ph.D. University of Western Ontario
Post-doctoral Scholar, Agriculture & Agrifood Canada (London); University of Western Ontario
Office: Medical Sciences Building Rm 389
Phone: 519.661.3362

Teaching responsibilities

Research interests

During my PhD studies, I used NMR and other biophysical techniques to understand the mechanisms of protein export in bacteria. In my postdoctoral work at Agriculture Canada, I explored ways to produce therapeutic proteins in plant-based systems. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Western Ontario, I examined the function of calcium-binding proteins in membrane repair and brain-signalling pathways.

More recently, as a faculty member at the University of Lethbridge and University of Western Ontario, I have helped undergraduate and high-school student teams develop Synthetic Biology solutions to real-world problems.


See list of publications from Google Scholar.