Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization

picture of fingerprints of different colours

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization (EDID) Statement

The Dept. of Biochemistry recognizes and values equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) principles across all aspects of its functioning. We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and provides equitable outcomes for our students, post-doctoral scholars, staff, and faculty. We are also committed to promoting decolonization (D) within our teaching. To develop meaningful change, the Department established an EDID committee in 2022 to address issues related to EDI within our community and to explore decolonization within our teaching.

EDID Information

What is Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization?

  • Equity - ensuring that access, resources, and opportunities are provided for all to succeed and grow, especially for those who are underrepresented and have been historically disadvantaged
  • Diversity - the conditions, expressions, and experiences of different groups identified by attributes such as age, sexual orientation, Indigenous status, disability, race, ethnicity, etc.
  • Inclusion - at work, it is a workplace culture that is welcoming to all people regardless of sexual orientation, Indigenous status, ability, race, ethnicity, etc., and where everyone is valued, respected, and able to reach their full potential
  • Decolonization - cultural, psychological, and economic freedom for Indigenous people with the goal of achieving Indigenous sovereignty -- the right and ability of Indigenous people to practice self-determination over their land, cultures, and political and economic systems. A more general definition: the challenging of colonial engagements and systems, the unpacking and disrupting structures of systemic oppression, and the giving of a voice to marginalized peoples.​

Accessibility in the Dept. of Biochemistry

The Dept. of Biochemistry is located on the 3rd floor of the Medical Sciences Building (MSB), which is accessible by outside ramps and automated door openers. Elevators connect all floors of the building. The Dept. also has two single-user, gender-neutral, accessible washrooms located across from MSB 346.

Land Acknowledgement

The Biochemistry Dept. acknowledges that Western University is located on the traditional lands of the Anishinaabek (Ah-nish'-in-a-bek), Haudenosaunee (Ho'-den-no-show-nee), Lūnaapéewak (Len-ah'-pay-wuk) and Chonnonton (Chun-ongk'-ton) Nations, on lands connected with the London Township and Sombra Treaties of 1796 and the Dish with One Spoon Covenant Wampum. 
With this, we respect the longstanding relationships that Indigenous Nations have to this land, as they are the original caretakers.
We acknowledge historical and ongoing injustices that Indigenous Peoples (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) endure in Turtle Island (aka Canada), and we accept responsibility as a public institution to contribute toward revealing and correcting miseducation, as well as renewing respectful relationships with Indigenous communities through our teaching, research, and community service. 

Contact for EDID Initiatives

For more information or questions about EDID initiatives in the Biochemistry Dept., please contact Dr. Lynn Weir (Research Co-ordinator). 

Biochemistry's EDID Committee


  • Cultivate a welcoming and accommodating environment for all 
  • Educate students, post-doctoral scholars, staff, and faculty about the importance of EDID
  • Maintain a list of services and contacts for referral
  • Support university-led efforts to reduce systemic barriers in academia

Future Goals

  • Move forward with our plan for decolonizing teaching in the Dept.
  • Roll out an EDI Task Force to collect feedback from the Biochemistry community on EDI issues

Current Focus and Timeline

  • July/Aug 2024 - Re-populating EDID Committee as some members step down
  • July/Aug 2024 - Creating a toolkit for incoming committee members


  • Feb 2022 – The Biochemistry EDI committee was created and met, a first in the history of the Dept.
  • Spring 2022 - The EDI webpage for Biochemistry's website was created, a first in the history of the Dept.
  • Spring 2022 - Several of the 2018 recommendations from the Gender Equity Task Force in Biochemistry were implemented at the undergraduate and graduate levels.
  • Summer 2022 - The EDI committee received training in how to deal with reports of discrimination and harassment in the Biochemistry community.
  • Fall 2022 - An anti-harassment/discrimination campaign was rolled out.
  • Sept 2022 - A land acknowledgement was read at the Dept. of Biochemistry meeting.
  • Winter 2023 - The anti-harassment/discrimination campaign was rolled out again.
  • Spring/summer 2023 - A flowchart was created to guide those looking to report issues in our working/teaching environment. This flowchart has been posted on Biochemistry's EDID webpage and at key locations in the Dept.
  • Fall 2023 - A GBSV training session for Biochemistry graduate students was hosted.
  • Fall 2023 - A draft decolonization plan for teaching in the Dept. was set up.
  • Dec 2023 - EDI Committee members discussed CTL's Indigenous Teaching and Learning module 1. This focus group used an Indigenous sharing circle as the format for discussions.
  • Jan 2024 - The EDI Committee was renamed to EDID Committee to reflect our decolonization initiatives.
  • Feb 2024 - EDID Committee members discussed part of CTL's Indigenous Teaching and Learning module 2 using an Indigenous sharing circle.
  • Mar 2024 - Sara Mai Chitty from the Office of Indigenous Initiatives gave a talk to the EDID Committee. She discussed decolonization, indigenization, reconciliation, and Indigenous resources/initiatives at Western. 
  • May 2024 - Hosted workshop on The Power of Inclusive Language
  • June 2024 - EDID Committee members discussed rest of CTL's Indigenous Teaching and Learning module 2 using an Indigenous sharing circle.
  • June 2024 - Completed recommendations of Biochemistry’s 2018 Gender Equity Task Force and circulated committee's responses in e-mail to Biochemistry Dept.

Workshops offered

  • Oct 2023Gender-based Sexual Violence (GBSV) Response and Prevention Training by Kelsey Adams (Student Experience - GBSV Education Team)
  • May 2024The Power of Inclusive Language by Drs. Ana Boller and Michael Godfrey (Western’s EDI Office) 

Current Members

  • Note: each committee member takes a turn to chair a meeting (rotating chair)
  • 2 undergraduate students (WBC co-presidents): Omar Abdelraheem, Joanne Chien
  • 1 post-doctoral scholar: TBA
  • minimum of 2 graduate students (maximum of 3): Jenica Kakadia, Jordyn Meaney, Emma Walker
  • 1 staff: Dr. Lynn Weir
  • 2 faculty, including Chair of Dept. of Biochemistry: Drs. Greg Gloor, Derek McLachlin

Former Members

  • Paul Akouris (former undergraduate student)
  • Dr. Mike Boffa (faculty)
  • Beth Connelly (graduate student)
  • Dr. Sally Esmail (former post-doctoral scholar)
  • Elissa Goodbrand (former undergraduate student)
  • Dr. Ryan Grainger (former post-doctoral scholar)
  • Dr. Haider Hassan (former post-doctoral scholar)
  • Rachel Lau (former undergraduate student)
  • Dr. Vida Nasrollahi (post-doctoral scholar)

Summaries of Meeting Minutes

February 14th, 2022 – chaired by Dr. Greg Gloor

  • The committee’s mandate and composition were agreed upon (2 faculty, 1 staff, 1 post-doctoral fellow, 2 graduate students, and 2 undergraduate students).
  • Members agreed to operate in confidence so that the committee can serve as an open and honest forum for discussion.
  • The committee will assign a new chair for every month (i.e., rotating chair).
  • The committee reviewed the CR(EDI)T report and, in particular, the action items to identify areas that could be tackled at the departmental level.

March 14th, 2022 – chaired by Dr. Lynn Weir

  • The committee discussed changing its name to include decolonization (D) and indigenization (I). We will be seeking guidance from experts on -DI related issues to ensure that we approach this in a sensitive and responsible manner.
  • Committee members agreed to receive EDI training.
  • The committee discussed the possibility of and requirements for a department-level reporting system for issues in Biochemistry's workplace and learning environment.
  • The committee discussed ideas to improve EDI in the Dept. by taking into account the CR(EDI)T survey of trainees (2021), Biochemistry's Gender Equity Task Force recommendations (2018), and the report of experiences of discrimination in London. 

April 18th, 2022 – chaired by Emma Jane Walker

  • An actionable item listed within the Biochemistry Gender Equity Task Force recommendations (2018) was investigated, revealing that anonymous marking through OWL is possible.
  • The committee agreed to set forth on three main objectives for the upcoming summer term: (i) releasing an EDI webpage on the Biochemistry website, (ii) developing a reporting system for the department for issues in our workplace and learning environment, and (iii) organizing an EDI training event for the start of the fall-term.
  • The committee discussed features to be integrated into the departmental EDI webpage.

May 16th, 2022 – chaired by Beth Connelly

  • The committee members reviewed the working EDI webpage and agreed upon its contents.
  • The committee deliberated over potential themes, modes of delivery, and various logistics for the prospective EDI training event (anticipated in Sept. 2022).
  • The committee will review the Human Rights Office reporting system ahead of the next meeting.

June 6th, 2022 – chaired by Jordyn Meaney

  • The committee agreed to add summarized meeting minutes to the Biochemistry EDI webpage.
  • The committee discussed and resolved some logistics regarding the departmental reporting system; we will meet with a representative from the Human Rights Office for further logistical planning.
  • The committee further discussed potential themes and panelists for the prospective EDI training event (anticipated in Sept. 2022).

July 4th, 2022 - chaired by Emma Jane Walker

  • The committee reviewed a draft of the reporting system and suggested revisions; a committee member will meet with a representative from the Human Rights Office to revise the draft before its implementation (anticipated launch in Sept. 2022).
  • The committee agreed upon a set of potential dates and a theme for the EDI event (anticipated to occur during the 2nd or 3rd week of fall term).
  • The committee discussed the Gender Equity Task Force recommendations and reviewed past accomplishments within the Dept. We plan to create a progress report and scorecard to summarize all past accomplishments and future goals.

August 2nd, 2022 – chaired by Paul Akouris

  • The committee discussed the updated reporting system and a potential pathway for handling EDI disclosures through this system.
  • The committee discussed the potential to collaborate with EDI-related groups in other departments on joint initiatives.
  • The committee has reached out to various organizations and potential speakers in preparation for the upcoming fall EDI event we are planning. 

Sept 14th, 2022 – chaired by Jordyn Meaney

  • The committee intends to work closely with the Learner Experience Office (in association with Schulich Medicine & Dentistry) to finalize the reporting tool for issues in Biochemistry's workplace and learning environment.
  • A departmental EDI seminar will still be held in the Fall (late October) but is delayed due to lack of responses in event preparation.
  • The committee is rolling out an anti-harassment and anti-discrimination campaign in the department.
  • The committee encourages the Biochemistry community to invite speakers that come from diverse or under-represented backgrounds.

Dec 5th, 2022 – chaired by Dr. Lynn Weir

  • The committee continues to develop a reporting tool for issues in Biochemistry's workplace and learning environment. Input has come from CREDIT and the Learner Experience Office (in association with Schulich Medicine & Dentistry). Further discussions will take place with Western's Human Rights Office.
  • Our anti-discrimination/harassment campaign that took place this fall in the Biochemistry Dept. will continue in 2023.
  • The 2023 Stewart Lecture will be given by Dr. Elnaz Atabakhsh. She is the Executive Director of the Type I Diabetes Consortium at Critical Path Institute, and the first Lecturer to be a female from a visible minority.
  • Six recommendations of Biochemistry’s 2018 Gender Equity Task Force have been implemented, and the committee continues to work on implementing the remaining suggestions. As part of this initiative, anonymous marking of student assignments was successfully piloted in a Biochemistry graduate course.
  • The committee discussed criteria for a scorecard to rate the Dept. of Biochem each year with respect to EDI.
  • A departmental EDI event will be held in 2023 but is delayed due to lack of responses in event preparation.

Jan 23, 2023 – chaired by Elissa Goodbrand

  • The committee continues to develop a reporting tool for issues in Biochemistry's workplace and learning environment. The next step will involve meeting with the new director of Western’s Human Rights Office, Aisha Raja, to discuss the system.
  • The anti-harassment/discrimination campaign that ran last autumn will be rolled out again this term.
  • The committee will continue to implement the recommendations of Biochemistry’s 2018 Gender Equity Task Force.
  • The EDI scorecard for ranking EDI in Biochemistry was renamed EDI aspirations instead to provide the committee with positive goals to implement.
  • Planning has begun for our departmental EDI event on unconscious bias and allyship in 2023.

Feb 14, 2023 – chaired by Rachel Lau

  • Planning continues for our departmental EDI event on unconscious bias and allyship in 2023.
  • The anti-harassment/discrimination campaign has been rolled out this term on social media, on the Biochemistry website, and on posters.
  • The committee will explore options for setting up a multi-faith room for the Biochemistry community of MSB and possibly the whole of Schulich.

Mar 20, 2023 – chaired by Jordyn Meaney

  • Speakers have been chosen for our departmental EDI event in 2023.
  • The committee will engage with Schulich's CREDIT to find out about the demand for a multi-faith room in MSB. 
  • The committee supported the BGSA's decision to send a letter (to Western's leaders) about increasing the low stipend levels of graduate students.
  • The biography for Dr. Maud L. Menten was re-written to include her struggles as a woman in science.

Apr 19, 2023 – chaired by Emma Walker

  • Planning continues for our departmental EDI event on unconscious bias and allyship in 2023.
  • After consultation with Western's Human Rights Office, the committee will replace our initiative of an online reporting tool with a campaign to raise awareness of Western's resources for reporting EDI and related issues. 
  • The committee discussed ways to obtain demographics (gender/racial identity) of our Biochemistry community.
  • The committee will create a map of multi-faith rooms available on campus and explore the need for such a room in Schulich. 

May 17, 2023 – chaired by Dr. Ryan Grainger

  • As part of the committee's campaign to raise awareness of Western's resources for reporting EDI and related issues, a flowchart was created to guide those looking to report issues. This flowchart will be posted on Biochemistry's EDI webpage and at key locations in the Dept. 
  • A list of departmental members willing to serve as the first point of contact for people looking for options and resources for reporting issues in our working/learning environment was created. Guidelines for meetings with people reporting those issues and an accompanying resource list for those people were created. These tools will also be shared with the Dept.'s Undergraduate and Graduate Chairs.
  • Several demographic surveys will be done by others outside of the Dept. The committee may obtain data from one of these surveys to assess demographics (gender/racial identity) of our Biochemistry community.
  • A list of multi-faith rooms available on campus was created. The committee is looking into having a question about the need for such a room in Schulich included in demographic surveys being done by others outside of the Dept.
  • The committee is re-visiting whether to include decolonization in its mandate.

June 15, 2023 – chaired by Dr. Lynn Weir

  • Dr. Bains (Acting Associate Dean of Schulich EDI-D) attended the meeting and spoke about her development of a survey to assess sociodemographic data in the Schulich community.
  • The flowchart to guide those looking to report issues was modified further. It will be posted on our EDI website and in key locations in Biochemistry, sent to Biochemistry’s Undergraduate and Graduate Chairs, included in the Graduate Handbook, and sent to course co-ordinators to show at their introductory lectures in Sept.

July 20, 2023 – chaired by Emma Walker

  • All committee members will partake in the learning modules offered by Western’s Indigenous Initiatives Office. 
  • Planning continues for our departmental EDI event on unconscious bias and allyship, which is tentatively scheduled for fall 2023.
  • Planning has begun for graduate-student anti-harassment training, which will tentatively take place during Sept.
  • A Powerpoint presentation detailing the existing reporting tools at Western has been emailed to the Graduate and Undergraduate Program Chairs in Biochemistry and to the Biochemistry Dept. community. A virtual copy of the reporting tool infographic has been made available through the Biochemistry EDI webpage, and hard copies were distributed around the third floor and outside of the student labs on the 1st floor of MSB. 

Oct 12, 2023 – chaired by Dr. Lynn Weir

  • Feedback for our graduate-student GBSV training of 27 Sept. was positive. Kelsey Adams from Western Student Experience did an excellent job presenting a difficult topic and empowered many people that day.
  • Planning continues for our departmental EDI event on unconscious bias and allyship, which is tentatively scheduled for early 2024.
  • A draft decolonization plan for teaching in the Dept. was discussed, and we took the first step in this plan, namely to educate our EDI committee on decolonization and the history of Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island.
  • Collaborations between our committee and the BGSA/WBC were explored to advance EDI initiatives

Nov 20, 2023 – chaired by Omar Abdelraheem

  • Further details were added to the draft decolonization plan for teaching in our Dept. The committee continues to educate itself on decolonization and will set up focus groups for committee members to discuss CTL's Indigenous Teaching and Learning modules on this topic. 
  • Planning continues for our departmental EDI event on unconscious bias and allyship.
  • The WBC may plan a 2024 event on EDI perspectives in STEM for undergraduate students. 

Jan 24, 2024 – chaired by Jenica Kakadia

  • The EDI committee was renamed to the EDID committee to reflect our ongoing work on decolonization (D). 
  • Committee members shared their experiences at the Meet-and-Greet session offered by the Community of Support of Schulich's EDID Office.
  • Some committee members will sign up for Western's EDID Champions Initiative (through Western's EDI Office).  

Mar 5, 2024 – chaired by Joanne Chien

  • We hosted Sara Mai Chitty from the Office of Indigenous Initiatives. She spoke about decolonization, indigenization, reconciliation, and Indigenous resources/initiatives at Western.   

Apr 4, 2024 – chaired by Dr. Lynn Weir

  • We discussed how to address the remaining Gender Equity Task Force Recommendations.
  • We are preparing to bring forward our decolonization plan for teaching at the Undergraduate Program retreat in May. 
  • We discussed rolling out an EDI Task Force in the summer and to do this yearly. The Task Force would collect feedback from the Biochemistry community on EDI issues.
  • The Biochemistry Dept. has been selected to test out strategies for the uptake of the Western Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity (WIDE) Survey. It's a way to collect EDI info about the Western community on an ongoing basis.

May 21, 2024 – chaired by Emma Walker

  • We finalized details on our hosting of a workshop on 31 May. Dr. Ana Boller from Western's EDI Office has been invited to speak about "The Power of Inclusive Language." The workshop is for anyone in the Biochemistry, Phys/Pharm, and ACB communities.
  • We completed our responses to the 2018 Gender Equity Task Force Recommendations in Biochemistry. Responses will be circulated to the Biochemistry community soon.
  • We discussed our presentation on the decolonization of teaching in Biochemistry (to take place at the Undergraduate Program Curriculum Development Retreat in June). This presentation forms part of step 2 of our decolonization plan.
  • This summer, the committee will set up focus groups for feedback from the Biochemistry community on EDID issues.

July 2, 2024 – chaired by Dr. Lynn Weir

  • We discussed improvements to the structure and operations of our committee.
  • We are re-populating committee membership this summer as some members' terms have ended.
  • We will create a toolkit for incoming committee members.

Reporting EDI Issues at Western

Steps for choosing reporting tools

View steps to choose the appropriate reporting tools at Western:

  • Image (weblinks inactive; QR codes active) OR
  • PDF

Harassment and Discrimination

blue rectangle with words "Report discrimination and/or harassment to Western's Human Rights Office"

Western is committed to providing a learning and working environment that is free of harassment and discrimination. All students, staff, and faculty have a role in this commitment and have a responsibility to ensure and promote a safe and respectful learning and working environment. Relevant policies include Western's Non-Discrimination/Harassment Policy (M.A.P.P. 1.35) and its Procedures

Any student, staff, or faculty member who experiences or witnesses behaviour that may be harassment or discrimination must report the behaviour to Western's Human Rights Office. Harassment and discrimination can be human rights-based, which is also known as EDI-based, (sexism, racism, transphobia, homophobia, islamophobia, xenophobia, antisemitism, and ableism) or non-human rights-based (personal harassment or workplace harassment).

Gender-based and Sexual Violence (GBSV)

purple rectangle with words "Report Gender-based and Sexual Violence"
Western University is committed to providing and maintaining an environment in which gender-based and sexual violence is not tolerated. Relevant policies include Western's Gender-Based and Sexual Violence Policy (M.A.P.P 1.52) and its Procedures

Western's Student Code of Conduct

green rectangle with words "Report Violations of Western's Student Code of Conduct"Upon registration, students accept the rights and responsibilities associated with membership in Western University’s academic and social community. Students are responsible for observing a standard of conduct that will contribute to the University’s mission and that will support an environment conducive to the intellectual and personal growth of all who study, work, and live here. This responsibility includes respecting the rights, property, and well-being of other members of the University community and visitors to the campus and not engaging in conduct that could reasonably be seen to endanger or adversely affect the health, safety, rights, security, or property of the University, its members, and visitors. The relevant policy is Western University's Student Code of Conduct, and further information can be found on Western's Health and Wellness website.

Departmental Contacts

People in the Biochemistry Dept. are welcome to contact any of the following EDID Committee members for options and resources about reporting issues in our work/teaching environment:

-Dr. Greg Gloor
-Dr. Lynn Weir

EDID Resources


- Report from Anti-Racism Working Group at Western
Learning in Colour (Cultivation of safer classroom and campus spaces)


- Accessibility - Western University  
Accessibility Floor Plans of Western  
Accessibility Map for Western  
Inclusive Washrooms at Western
Accessibility and Eliminating Systemic Ableism  (by Canadian Institutes of Health Research, CIHR)
Accessibility in Teaching  (Western’s Centre for Teaching and Learning) 

Indigenous Information

- Office of Indigenous Initiatives  
Indigenous Student Centre  
Indigenous Learning Space  
Indigenous Teaching and Learning Resources  (Western’s Centre for Teaching and Learning)
Writing Land Acknowledgements
Laotsyá:n   (Office of Indigenous Initiatives newsletter)
The Turtle Island News  (published by Grand River Territory of the Six Nations)
- Native Land Digital (maps of Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages) 


=Two-spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, intersex, asexual  
Pride Library 
PrideWestern (USC service working for and with Western's queer and trans community)  
Western Queer Caucus (Group for queer faculty, staff, and graduate students at Western)  
Spectrum (Club that creates a safe space for Western’s 2SLGBTQIA+ students)    

Women's Issues

Western's Caucus on Women Issues (Promotes and safeguards the interests of women at Western; women staff, faculty, graduate students, and undergraduates at Western can join)  
Women of Ivey Network (WIN) (Leaders from Ivey community fostering a gender-inclusive culture and accelerating the advancement of women in business)  
Women in Engineering (Offers unique opportunities to Western’s women engineers for team building, learning, and support)  
Western Women in Neuroscience (Promotes discussions and activities related to being a woman in psychology and neuroscience at Western)  

EDID Offices at Western

Western's Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Western’s Human Rights Office 
Schulich’s Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization 
Schulich’s Council on Reforming Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Trainees (CREDIT)     

EDID Workshops and Learning Modules

- Western's Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - Online Learning
- Western’s Human Rights Office - EDI Learning Modules   
- Dr. Alex Levine - EDI in Higher Education  (Recording)  
- Schulich’s Council on Reforming Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Trainees (CREDIT) - Equity Diversity, Inclusion and Decolonization (EDI-D) in Academia 
- Indigenous Cultural Safety – Webinars   

Policies and Codes of Conduct at Western

Western’s Policies for Employment Equity, Non-Discrimination/Harassment, and Student Code of Conduct Western’s Duty to Accommodate (for employees, prospective employees, clients)  
Schulich Code of Conduct (for faculty, graduate students, post-doctoral scholars, undergraduate students, and others)   

Additional Resources

Dimensions: Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Canada  (Government of Canada’s promotion of EDI at Canadian universities)  
Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion  
Western's Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion - Resources
Western’s Human Rights Office - Resources  
Campus Life: Diversity  
Western Equity Census
Schulich’s Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization - Resources  
Schulich’s Council on Reforming Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion for Traineess (CREDIT) - Resources  
Allyship Network USC (Connects USC with Peer Programs and student associations at Western in order to incorporate allyship into campus community)    
Ethnocultural Support Services USC (Creates a culturally, ethnically, and religiously inclusive community at Western)  
Journey Together: Sharing Our Lived Experiences (A support group for Black and racialized students at Western)